February – what’s out and about
This is also the case with Alder Alnus glutinosa. Its flower is pictured below. Alder is a tree of wet places, marshes and stream-sides. It is found throughout Europe as far as Siberia.
The Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis signals that winter is coming to an end. It is a very hardy plant and its drooping flowers can be seen into March if cold conditions continue. It is a perennial, herbaceous plant and grows from a bulb. It is considered a native to the British Isles although it is believed to have been introduced in the 16th Century.
European gorse Ulex europaenis is also flowering and adds a great splash of yellow to moorland, dune and grassland. The flowers are pollinated by the bumble bee and its scent has a familiar coconut smell. It is a member of the pea family and so produces its fruit as a pod, the seeds of which are poisonous.