Published Environmental Articles
I have made available for FREE my published environmental articles as downloadable pdf’s written for the outdoor industry. These environmentally-themed articles have appeared in national publications. These include The Professional Mountaineer (published by Mountain Training) and Horizons (published by The Institute for Outdoor Learning). Feel free to browse and delve into the articles. They are written in simple language and cover various aspects of the natural world. I generally write about topics I find of interest or of which clients have asked to know more about. Basically any aspect of the natural world fascinates me. I’m also fortunate enough to have an opportunity to research and to write about them.
You can expand on any of these articles either by reading my book The Alps a natural companion or to learn more about our wildflowers and natural world with a beautifully crafted pack of playing cards. This series of playing cards covers wildflowers, trees of Europe and alpine flowers. There are also wildflower Top trump cards to buy too. Top Trumps are the UK’s best selling card game! Visit our shop to buy.