March – what’s out and about
The common frog Rana temporaria. The main differences between the common amphibians, frogs and toads seen in Britain are that frogs have smooth skin whereas a toad is more ‘warty. Frogs are also moist to touch whilst toads are dry. A frogs back is raised with two ridges down each side whereas toads have a more flattened appearance. Frog spawn is also clustered whilst toads lay eggs in long chains.
A trip to Cors Erddreiniog SSSI and Ramsar site on Anglesey
Rue-leaved saxifrage saxifrage tridactylites named after it red leaves (rubrus) it is one of the lowland saxifrages and is found on neutral and base rich soils, often associated with limestone areas. It is an early flowerer and can be seen from the start of March in some instances. Its Latin name (tridactyl) refers to its three fingered leaves.
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris flowers from March to June and is commonly found in wet meadows, marshes and wet woodlands. Its name palustris is derived from the Latin for marsh. It has been used to treat fits and anaemia and even to remove warts.
Lesser pond sedge Carex acutiformis is a tall sedge. Sedges (like grasses) are monocotyledons meaning they have 1 seed leaf. They are flowering plants and are wind pollinated. Their flowers are inconspicuous and arranged in spikelets. Other distinguishing features are parallel veins on their leaves and they have triangular stems.